Raspberry Pi

This instructions were tested on Raspbian.

Unless you have done any distro with libusb-1.0 on the Raspberry Pi, the following instructions should works fine on your raspberry distro.


You should never directly connect an printer with RS232-interface (serial port) directly to a Raspberry PI or similar interface (e.g. those simple USB-sticks without encasing). Those interfaces are based on 5V- or 3,3V-logic (the latter in the case of Raspberry PI). Classical RS232 uses 12V-logic and would thus destroy your interface. Connect both systems with an appropriate level shifter.


First, install the packages available on Raspbian.

# apt-get install python-imaging python-serial python-setuptools


PyUSB 1.0 is not available on Ubuntu, so you have to download and install it manually

  1. Download the latest tarball from Sourceforge

  2. Decompress the zip file

  3. Install the library

    # wget ...
    # unzip pyusb*.zip
    # cd pyusb*
    # python setup.py build
    # sudo python setup.py install


  1. Checkout the code from github

  2. Install the library

    # git clone https://github.com/lincolnloop/python-qrcode
    # cd python-qrcode
    # python setup.py build
    # sudo python setup.py install


If you have installed pyusb for libusb-1.0 then you need to:

  1. Download the latest file
  2. Decompress the file
  3. Install the library
# git clone https://github.com/manpaz/python-escpos.git
# cd python-escpos
# python setup.py build
# sudo python setup.py install

Now you can attach your printer and and test it with the example code in the project’s home