
python-escpos is the initial idea, from here we can start to build a robust library to get most of the ESC/POS printers working with this library.

Eventually, this library must be able to cover almost all the defined models detailed in the ESC/POS Command Specification Manual.


What things are planned to work on?


  • Test on many printers as possible (USB, Serial, Network)
  • automate testing


  • Add all those sequences which are not common, but part of the ESC/POS Command Specifications.
    • Port to Python 3
    • Windows compatibility (hidapi instead libusb?)
    • PDF417 support
  • use something similar to the capabilities in escpos-php

Todos in the codebase


Add a method to check barcode codes. Alternatively or as an addition write explanations about each barcode-type. Research whether the check digits can be computed autmatically.

(The original entry is located in docstring of escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode, line 8.)


On TM-T88II width from 1 to 6 is accepted. Try to acquire command reference and correct the code.

(The original entry is located in docstring of escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode, line 15.)


Supplying pos does not have an effect for every barcode type. Check and document for which types this is true.

(The original entry is located in docstring of escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode, line 16.)


If further barcode-types are needed they could be rendered transparently as an image. (This could also be of help if the printer does not support types that others do.)

(The original entry is located in docstring of escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode, line 23.)


Check this function on TM-T88II.

(The original entry is located in docstring of escpos.escpos.Escpos.cut, line 7.)