Source code for escpos.printer.cups

#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains the implementation of the CupsPrinter printer driver.

:author: python-escpos developers
:organization: `python-escpos <>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Bashlinux and python-escpos
:license: MIT

import functools
import logging
import tempfile
from typing import Literal, Optional, Type, Union

from ..escpos import Escpos
from ..exceptions import DeviceNotFoundError

#: keeps track if the pycups dependency could be loaded (:py:class:`escpos.printer.CupsPrinter`)

    import cups

    _DEP_PYCUPS = True
    # Store server defaults before further configuration
    DEFAULT_HOST = cups.getServer()
    DEFAULT_PORT = cups.getPort()
except ImportError:

# TODO: dev build mode that let's the wrapper bypass?

def is_usable() -> bool:
    """Indicate whether this component can be used due to dependencies."""
    usable = False
    if _DEP_PYCUPS:
        usable = True
    return usable

def dependency_pycups(func):
    """Indicate dependency on pycups."""

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        """Throw a RuntimeError if pycups is not imported."""
        if not is_usable():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Printing with PyCups requires the pycups library to "
                "be installed. Please refer to the documentation on "
                "what to install and install the dependencies for pycups."
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

[docs] class CupsPrinter(Escpos): """Simple CUPS printer connector. .. note:: Requires ``pycups`` which in turn needs the cups development library package: - Ubuntu/Debian: ``libcups2-dev`` - OpenSuse/Fedora: ``cups-devel`` inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.CupsPrinter :parts: 1 """
[docs] @staticmethod def is_usable() -> bool: """Indicate whether this printer class is usable. Will return True if dependencies are available. Will return False if not. """ return is_usable()
@dependency_pycups def __init__(self, printer_name: str = "", *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Class constructor for CupsPrinter. :param printer_name: CUPS printer name (Optional) :param host: CUPS server host/ip (Optional) :type host: str :param port: CUPS server port (Optional) :type port: int """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs), self.port = args or ( kwargs.get("host", DEFAULT_HOST), kwargs.get("port", DEFAULT_PORT), ) self.tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) self.printer_name = printer_name self.job_name = "" self.pending_job = False self._device: Union[ Literal[False], Literal[None], Type[cups.Connection] ] = False @property def printers(self) -> dict: """Available CUPS printers.""" if self.device: return self.device.getPrinters() return {}
[docs] def open( self, job_name: str = "python-escpos", raise_not_found: bool = True ) -> None: """Set up a new print job and target the printer. A call to this method is required to send new jobs to the CUPS connection after close. Defaults to default CUPS printer. Creates a new temporary file buffer. By default raise an exception if device is not found. :param raise_not_found: Default True. False to log error but do not raise exception. :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.DeviceNotFoundError` """ if self._device: self.close() cups.setServer( cups.setPort(self.port) self.job_name = job_name if self.tmpfile.closed: self.tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) try: # Open device self.device: Optional[Type[cups.Connection]] = cups.Connection() if self.device: # Name validation, set default if no given name self.printer_name = self.printer_name or self.device.getDefault() assert self.printer_name in self.printers, "Incorrect printer name" except (RuntimeError, AssertionError) as e: # Raise exception or log error and cancel self.device = None if raise_not_found: raise DeviceNotFoundError( f"Unable to start a print job for the printer {self.printer_name}:" + f"\n{e}" ) else: logging.error( "CupsPrinter printing %s not available", self.printer_name ) return"CupsPrinter printer enabled")
def _raw(self, msg: bytes) -> None: """Append any command sent in raw format to temporary file. :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed """ self.pending_job = True try: self.tmpfile.write(msg) except TypeError: self.pending_job = False raise TypeError("Bytes required. Printer job not opened")
[docs] def send(self) -> None: """Send the print job to the printer.""" assert self.device if self.pending_job: # Rewind tempfile # Print temporary file via CUPS printer. self.device.printFile( self.printer_name,, self.job_name, {"document-format": cups.CUPS_FORMAT_RAW}, ) self._clear()
def _clear(self) -> None: """Finish the print job. Remove temporary file. """ self.tmpfile.close() self.pending_job = False def _read(self) -> bytes: """Return a single-item array with the accepting state of the print queue. states: idle = [3], printing a job = [4], stopped = [5] """ printer = self.printers.get(self.printer_name, {}) state = printer.get("printer-state") if not state or state in [4, 5]: return b"8" # offline return b"0" # online
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close CUPS connection. Send pending job to the printer if needed. """ if not self._device: return if self.pending_job: self.send()"Closing CUPS connection to printer %s", self.printer_name) self._device = False